The Abstraction

(The Abstraction)

by Avir Raisinghani, Karol Golczak, Vivaan Pradhan
2021 - India - 1:35 min.

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Screening date and location:

Recommended audience: ChildrensSchools


The film was made during the international ONLINE animation workshop organized in collaboration with 3RD EDITION of Punto Y Raya Junior 2021 (held in Wroclaw, Poland) and Toon Club in Mumbai (India).
The workshops took place between Aug 23-Sep 3, 2021. The third PyR Junior edition is a coproduction between MAD (Barcelona) and PyRLAB (Wroclaw).
Wassily Kandinsky was a pioneer in Abstract Art. Children took inspiration from Wassily Kandinsky’s painting and applied their knowledge of Abstract art to their Animations.

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Production, school, educational institution

Toon Club