di Radostina Neykova
2020 - Bulgaria - 5:00 min.
Festival 2022 > Grande Festival Internazionale > Concorso Ufficiale FOR - Animazione
19 Maggio 2022 - ore 18:00
Sala Civica "Unione Europea" - Ponte San Nicolò (PD)
Pubblico raccomandato: BambiniFamiglieFOR 3+
A volte, se vuoi diventare un eroe, devi solo volare. Innovazione tecnica di animazione di ricamo fatto a mano.
Condividi sui socialBiografia e filmografia
Radostina Neykova graduated from the National Academy for Theater and Film Arts “Kr. Sarafov” in Film Studies and Animation Directing.
She is Assoc. Professor, PhD in the Institute of Arts Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Science. Radostina Neykova teaching “Dramaturgy of animated film” and “Animation techniques” in the National Academy for Theater and Film Arts “Kr. Sarafov”.
Radostina is the director of the awards wined animated shorts (“Ugly Fairy Tale” - 2018, “Grumpy does repairs” - 2015, “Trip” - 2011). And illustrator of children’s books. She has a solo exhibitions "Children's illustration" in Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Russia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
She makes children's Animation workshops in Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Russia, Portugal, Italy, Brazil, Macedonia and Germany.
Hirsto Hristov