Nuit Cherie
(Sweet night)
di Lia Bertels
2018 - Belgio - 14 min.
Festival 2019 > Sezione Ufficiale > Sezione Ufficiale Animazione
8 Maggio 2019 - ore 21:00
Sala Civica “Unione Europea” – Ponte San Nicolò (PD)
E’ inverno e sulle alte montagne dell’Himalaya un orso non riesce ad andare in letargo. Lui pensa troppo e brontola. Quando una scimmia bianca lo invita a mangiare del miele a casa della zia, la strana notte invernale si trasforma e l’orso comprende che ha fatto bene a rimanere sveglio.
Condividi sui socialBiografia e filmografia
Born April 7, 1987
MASTER in Animation Cinema - ENSAV LA CAMBRE 2011
Illustration Stage -St Martin's School - (London)
Trainee at Beast Animation Studio for the feature film "Panique au Village" by Vincent Patar & Stéphane Aubier
Workshop on Stop Motion characters with Kim de Keukeleire
Animation workshop with Cristóbal León & Joaquín Cociña
Training and pitching at the Clermont Ferrand festival as part of
"EUROCONNECTION" to represent Belgium
Pitching at the Anima Festival as part of "PECHA KUCHA"
Residence of writing with the support of the SACD at the animation studio l'Enclume
Writing residence in Fontevraud for "Les petites madeleines"
Director of the short film "Nuit Chérie"
Director of the short film "Tiny Big"
Annecy Selection, Uppsala, Krok, Mecal- Animation Show of Shows Collection)
- Realization of animations for the documentary "The air of Julos" of Eric de Moffarts
- Production of an advertisement for "illegaal" beer
- Co-production of the clip "Little pirate" for the company "Big bears"
- Realization of 3 animated Gifs for the site "Bela portal"
- Writing of the script for a short animated film "Darling Night" (got WBI grants)
- Realization of the video clip for the song "Nouveau départ" by Nicolas Michaux
- Script Writing for an ongoing short film "The Current" (Supported by
the SACD in Residence at Studio l'Enclume)
- Production of the video clip "Bicho Auto" by Juana Molina (currently being edited)
- Realization of the fiction film "Tout est bleu"
- Realization of the fictional short film "The Ruben Island" (currently being edited)
- Realization of the video clip for the group "Great Mountain Fire" (selected in the DVD
"Clip n 'roll" and at the CLIP THAT BEAT Festival)
- Writing the scenario for an animation medium-film in progress «We are not close to being
Superheroes "(Subsidized by the CNC, WBI, and MEDIA
- Production of an animated series "Trumfs". (In progress)
- Production of a graduation film at La Cambre "Youssouf the Souffleur". (Price of the Com
French Community at the Brussels Short Film Festival, Special Mention at FIFFE, Jury Prize
young at the Fidec Festival - selection at the Hiroshima Animation Festival).
- Co-making a video clip on David Lynch's song "It's A Good Day Today" in the
part of the Genero.tv contest.
- Realization of a video installation for the exhibition "Shifting Ground" in Ghent in the frame
from La Cambre.
- Realization of the movie "This is not your business" in La Cambre.
- Production of the film "Micro-Dormitory" in La Cambre (prize for the best animated film at the Festival
Media 10-10 in Namur, Best Animated Film Award at the Brussels Independent International Film Festival, Sabam Prize at the Festival La vie est short de Huy- Selection at the Seoul International Film Festival and the New York International Children's Film Festival).
- Realization of the video show (VJing) for the concert of Jeff Mills at the Transardentes of
- Realization of a video project "Trees" at the White Hotel (Brussels) with the Mustache collective.
- Realization of the movie "Red Flat" in La Cambre.
- Production of the experimental film "Hands", selected as part of the "Cinepocket" Festival
from Brussels.
- Realization of an "Ink" video project at Zebra (Antwerp) with the Mustache collective.
- Making the video clip "Something is gone" for JUICY
- Production of the "Omission Tank" video clip for Oyster Node
2016-2017 ...
- Animation for the video clip of the band "Scotch & Sofa"
- Illustrator for the "LULU shop" in Brussels
- Casting director for Meryem BenMbarek's short film "Jennah" (Grand Prize at the Rhode Island Festival, US)
- Assistant director for the short film "A kills Head" by Taïla Onraedt & Roxy Plas
-Realization of an animated sequence for the documentary "Kinshasa Kids", directed by Marc-Henri Wajnberg (selected at the Venice Days and the Toronto International Festival).
-Realization of an animated credits for a documentary series "The Earth, Men"
produced by Wajnbrosse Production.
-Mounting of the short movie "Yummy Yummy" by Gwendoline Gamboa
-Realization of an animated film for the young audience play "Maurice Topack has disappeared" by Fujio Hishimaru and Claire Gatineau.
-Realization of an animated sequence in Yoann Stehr's short film "To put an end to school".
-Realization of an animation for the film "Shredni Vashtar" by Alana Osbourne (awarded at
Estoril Film Festival, Portugal)