She never thought to be there
(Ella nunca pensó estar allí)
di Sebastian Oz
2022 - Spagna - 4:50 min.
Festival 2023 > Grande Festival Internazionale > Concorso Ufficiale PLUS - Fiction
18 maggio 2023 - ore 20:00
Pubblico raccomandato: AdultiFestival 2023PLUS 2
Una ragazza che lavora di notte decide di bere e ubriacarsi pensando alla sua vita.
Condividi sui socialBiografia e filmografia
He studied Art Photography at the San Telmo art school and Digital Filmmaking at the Efti school in Madrid, he has worked for different brands of clothing, accessories or consumer goods such as Pompeii, Bershka, Pull&Bear, Shein, Coca-Cola or Sprite among the best known, specializing in working for Startups. As a filmmaker, he has worked for brands like Tinder, Sprinter or HBO.
In 2019 he won the first prize for photography at the New Andalusian Film Festival. In March 2020 she won two awards at the 48+ short film festival organized by the Complutense University of Madrid: Best Cinematography and Best Actress (Michelle Albietz)
In 2022 she won two more awards with the short film La Fiesta at the 48+ lV Edición festival.
Sebastian Oz