Seul Avec Elle
(Alone with her)
di Laura Petrone, Guillaume Kerbusch
2018 - Belgio - 10 min.
Festival 2019 > Sezione Ufficiale > Sezione Ufficiale Fiction
8 Maggio 2019 - ore 21:00
Sala Civica “Unione Europea” – Ponte San Nicolò (PD)
C’è qualcosa che infastidisce Guillaume, è una sensazione che prova spesso, e ultimamente si ripete di frequente. Deve parlarne, deve tirar fuori questo disagio prima che esploda. L’unica persona con cui può parlare è sua moglie … Se riuscirà! … Ma alla fine non vede l’ora che lei se ne vada, per essere finalmente solo. Solo con lei.
Condividi sui socialBiografia e filmografia
LAURA PETRONE was born in 1989 in Belgium. After a Master's degree in classical piano at the Royal Conservatory of Mons, Laura goes to the cinema.
She decides to organize training sessions in front of camera to form, through the non-profit association "Brussels cinema studio - The training courses of Trou de Ver" which she co-founded, where she invites experienced directors like Vania Leturcq, Delphine Noels, Vanja D'Alcantara, Savina Dellicour, Guillaume Senez, Philippe Van Leeuw, Micheli Laurent, Ann Sirot, Raphael Balboni, ...
Laura writes and directs two short films: "Alone with her" and "Bouffe", in which she also plays.
His first feature film is currently being written.
GUILLAUME KERBUSCH was born in the Charleroi region in 1988. He is an actor and author. He has played supporting roles in several feature films by Belgian filmmakers (Yves Hanchart, Stijn Coninx and Eric-Emmanuel Schmit). In 2016, he played Inspector Drummer, one of the two main roles in Matthieu Donck's "La Trêve" series. Recently, he played the roles of a Russian sailor in "Kursk" by Thomas Vinterberg produced by Luc Besson, a far-right politician in "Boomerang" Nicole Borgeat or a superhero in "Dynaman" a short film by Michiel Blanchart. In 2017, with his wife Laura Petrone, he creates the company ANGIE with which he produces and co-directs two short films: "Seul avec elle" and "Bouffe".