

di Maria Guerra
2018 - Spagna - 9 min.

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Data e luogo di proiezione:


Julia saluta le ultime persone passate per casa per farle le condoglianze per l’improvvisa morte del marito. Quando finalmente riesce ad avere un po’ di tranquillità, bussa alla porta Susan pretendendo il diritto di dire addio al suo ex-marito. Le due donne più importanti della vita del defunto si ritrovano insieme nella stessa stanza. I momenti di tensione sono stemperati tra bevande e confidenze, e ben presto le due donne si sentiranno a proprio agio, osservando e commentando senza dare alcune merito al defunto.

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Biografia e filmografia

Maria Guerra
With a degree in Image Sciences, she began her professional career in film and television in 1993 working almost from the beginning as a script.
"Chevrolet", "Moon game", "We are nobody", "The method", "Tirant lo Blanc", "The suicide club", "Poor people", "The widows of Thursdays", "Cell 211", "No return", "We all have a plan", "Silence in the snow" or "Ismael" are some of the films in which he has participated.
She has also worked in television series such as "Hermanas", "El comisario", "La chica de ayer", "Isabel", "El Ministerio del Tiempo" or "La Catedral del Mar"
In 2014 he co-wrote and co-directed, with Sonia Madrid, the short film UNA VEZ, an adaptation of an original story by the Mexican writer Angeles Mastretta, starring Belén Rueda, María Vázquez and Marcial Alvarez among others. The short film premiered at the Festival del Medina del Campo in 2015 and since then it has collected numerous awards in various national and international festivals.
In 2017 he premiered his second short film, "Dichoso Aquel ...", selected for the QUERCUS catalog of Castilla-León festivals.