May 20 – International Meeting of Film Educators
On May 20th, 2023, between 10:00am and 12:30am, the International Meeting of Film Educators will take place in the charming setting of the Villa Da Rio. It will be a gathering of audiovisual education professionals from various countries. It will be an informal moment of exchanging good practices in film literacy among Italian and foreign trainers who are guests of the festival.
The following have already confirmed their participation:
- Marija Vulic – artistic director of the Animator Fest (Jagodina, Serbia), a festival dedicated to animation FOR and MADE BY children and teenagers.
- Gianni Trotter – expert in audiovisual communication and didactic methodologies, author of the interactive exhibition “Shows made of lights” and the show “travelling with the magic lantern.”
- Gigi Corsetti – president of CIAS (Italian School Audiovisual Coordination)
- Anna Maso – tutor of students in the Primary Education Sciences Course (UNIPD), expert in artistic and audiovisual workshops in nursery and primary schools.
- Raffaella Traniello – artistic director of Corti a Ponte, conducts animation workshops in primary and nursery schools
- Paola Leorin – president of Corti a Ponte APS
For more information write to info@cortiaponte.it