

by Helena Sacharuk, Shivan Singh, Vihaan Das Maskara
2021 - India - 2:41 min.

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Screening date and location:

Recommended audience: ChildrensSchools


The film was made during the international ONLINE animation workshop organized in collaboration with 3RD EDITION of Punto Y Raya Junior 2021 (held in Wroclaw, Poland) and Toon Club in Mumbai (India).
The workshops took place between Aug 24-Aug 31, 2021. The third PyR Junior edition is a coproduction between MAD (Barcelona) and PyRLAB (Wroclaw).
Inspired by the works of Bridget Riley, the pioneer behind optical art, children animated with simple, common objects and turned them into pieces of abstract art, beautiful patterns and designs.

Condividi sui social

Production, school, educational institution

Toon Club