
(Na żywo)

by Mara Tamkovich
2022 - Poland - 13:24 min.

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Screening date and location:

Recommended audience: Festival 2024AdultsPLUS 2


A peaceful demonstration in Minsk is brutally put down by the police. Two female
journalists from an independent Belarusian TV station are the only ones broadcasting the events live. When they are tracked down by a police drone, they face a dramatic choice. A drama inspired by the true story of Katerina Bakhvalova and Daria Chultsova from BELSAT TV.

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Biography and filmography

Mara Tamkovich - director and scriptwriter. Born in Minsk, Belarus.
Studied journalism at Warsaw University, film directing at Warsaw Film School and is a graduate of “Studio Prób” at Wajda School. Worked as a journalist at European Radio for Belarus and TV "Belsat". Has directed 5 short films, the latest of them “Daughter” has been shown and awarded at the festivals around the world. Laureate of “She’s Mercedes” award.


Wajda Studio