Not even Dead
(Manco Morto)
by Emma Cecala
2023 - Italy - 15:22 min.
Festival 2024 > Grande Festival International > Official Competition PLUS - Fiction
30 May 2024 - 9:30 pm
Recommended audience: Festival 2024AdultsPLUS 2
1958: in a small town in the Sicilian hinterland, the mayoral elections are about to take place. A few days earlier, the Communist Party candidate dies. Between the bewilderment of the companions and the conjectures of the villagers, the religious function is transformed into a theater of the absurd. But the disbelief of the crowd finds its culmination in the last wishes of the deceased…
Condividi sui socialBiography and filmography
Emma Cecala (Italy). She was born in Caccamo (Pa) in 1980 and graduated in Disciplines of Art, Music and Entertainment with top marks. In 2020 she attended a film directing course and gained experience on set with Daniele Ciprì. Since 2021 she has been a collaborator of the director and producer Aurelio Grimaldi.
In 2022 she was selected among the ten young talents from southern Italy to be trained in the field of film production: Creative Europe MEDIA project.
In 2021 she signed her first work "QuarantacinqueQuiciVentiquattro" and in 2023 her second work "Manco Morto".
Arancia Cinema Srl