Pasta and Test Score

(Pasta and Test Score)

by Stanley Xu
2023 - Italy, Singapore, Taiwan - 6:10 min.

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Screening date and location:

Recommended audience: Festival 2024AdultsPLUS 1


One day, Luigi receives full marks for his first school test. Excited, he decides to spend the night waiting for his mother’s return so he can share his results.

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Biography and filmography

Stanley Xu is a Singaporean filmmaker. Graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic's School of Film & Media Studies, he is currently pursuing a MFA (Film Directing) at Taipei National University of the Arts.
Drawing inspiration from his memories of childhood and adolescence, as well as observations of everyday life, he seeks to explore and capture the nuances and poignancy of the human experience using moving images. His films have gone on to screen at many major international film festivals around the world including Busan, Hawaii, and Singapore among others.


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